In the Day of The East Wind  - 1999
Notes on the Album
Almost immediately following the completion of "The Fear of Yahveh"  I began recording guitar and vocal tracks for a second album titled after the refrain from Isaiah Chapter 27. "In the Day of the East Wind."

I had really begun to feel comfortable playing the guitar and I was constantly trying to improve my skill and play more and more difficult and/or unorthodox chord combinations and strumming patterns. 

On this album, most of the tracks would be from full chapters and only two from Psalms.  When I began to write songs from passages of the bible that were not intended to be songs, Isaiah drew me to itself.  So it was only a matter of time before Isaiah passages began to multiply.  This album was to contain five chapters from Isaiah.

The Book of Isaiah was a special area of interest to me.  When I first began to read the bible in the winter of 1993, I tried to read the book of Isaiah.  The Living Bible notes suggested that Isaiah was one of the Lord's favorite prophets, as evidenced by the fact that he quoted Isaiah more than any other prophet.  Ever since I read that, I really wanted to know more about Isaiah.  But when I tried to read that prophet, I could not understand the very first verse.  The first time I ever saw Arnold Murray on Television, in 1993, he was teaching out of Isaiah, so it is not surprising why he had my ear.

One of my favorite songs from "The Fear of Yahveh"  was Isaiah Chapter 29 "Woe to Ariel."  And I proceeded backwards from that chapter.  Every one of my mixed albums seemes to be heavy with passages from Isaiah (obviously excluding the Revelation album and the "Baptizer of Fire" album)  This eventually led me to believe I could do the whole book of Isaiah, a project I am currently working on.

Isaiah 53 was a passage I felt absolutely OBLIGATED to do since it is such a significant prophecy of Jesus Christ.  Isaiah 42 was quoted in Matthew 12:17-21 and the fact that it contained the words "Sing to the Lord a new song" attracted me strongly.

Ezekiel 31 was a continuation of my interest in singing about the enemy.  The Psalms contain many songs regarding the enemies of God's people and the enemies of God.  Christ spoke against his enemies. Paul and the other Apostles all wrote about the our enemy and his servants.  So why is Christian music nearly barren of songs about the Enemy?  I, for one, will sing about the enemy.

This album also contained the entire Book of Joel which is only three chapters but was nonetheless a benchmark accomplishment because it really made me feel that I could tackle whole books.  Joel 3 is one of my all-time favorite songs.

There were three more tracks which were supposed to be on this album originally:  John Chapter 10 and 17 and Revelation Chapter 16. 

Revelation 16 did not even start to get recorded for "In the Day of the East Wind, because while I was still in the process of recording the songs for "East Wind"  I started writing the songs for Revelation, and soon realized that I was going to do that whole book.  Revelation 16 got bumped over to that album.

John 10 and 17 were actually recorded for "In the Day of the East Wind," it was not until after I had completed Revelation that I decided that these songs would be combined with other Chapters from the ministry of Christ into the album "Baptizer of Fire"  John 17 was actually dropped even sooner because I felt that it did not fit and I was unhappy with the recorded version we made at Eaton's studio.

Brain Eaton began work on "finishing" the songs from "In the Day of the East Wind"  producing very good results with Psalm 24, Psalm 8, the intro to Isaiah 42 and Ezekiel 31.  But the work went on a long hiatus between 2000 and 2005 when Brian and I split over professional, doctrinal, and personal differences.  We are still friends, and agree on many things, we just don't work together anymore.

"In the Day of the East Wind" was supposed to be my first "commercial" offering. The guitar and vocal version was going to be free and the "finished" version was going to be for sale.  That is no longer the case.  If ever I complete that album, it will be free.

I have really wanted to finish that album but there have been numerous obstacles.  Foremost is that the original recordings were made on a 16 track reel and I all my recording has been computer based.  The second problem is that I did not have good orchestral samples or a midi program to use them.  The third obstacle was that when I got the midi samples and software, I did not know how to use them.  The fourth obstacle was that more than a decade had passed, my voice had changed, my doctrine had changed, I wanted to change things but had to learn to live with what I had.

In 2011 I started working on "In the Day of the East Wind" again but left off work in favor of "The Book of Revelation."
When further developments are made I will add them here, but when Revelation is finished (or perhaps before I really get into disc 2) I do intend to go back to work on East Wind and complete the work which was begun over a decade ago.

In the Day of the East Wind - Guitar Chords and Lyrics

Isaiah 42
Ezekiel 31
The Book of Joel Part 1
The Book of Joel Part 2
The Book of Joel Part 3
Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12
Psalm 24
Isaiah 26
Isaiah 27
Isaiah 28
Psalm 8

Cover Concept Art